Our Human Resources Policy
We can describe our human resources policy as assigning the right people to proper positions using a customer-centered approach, choosing applicants with high potential in the company, providing them with rotation applications for improvement in various fields, evaluate their performance using performance management system, making career planning via appointments and having a long term collaboration with our employees.
We can describe our human resources policy as assigning the right people to proper positions using a customer-centered approach, choosing applicants with high potential in the company, providing them with rotation applications for improvement in various fields, evaluate their performance using performance management system, making career planning via appointments and having a long-term collaboration with our employees.
We’ll always be here for you with our credible vision and mission by applying human resources policies that are open to new ideas, creative, trustworthy and contemporary. We approach it without leaving our ethical standpoint aside, with the help of quality time and information sharing.
The mission of human resources:
Karaaslanoğlu İnşaat creates all the opportunities for its employees to complete their personal and professional development. Human resources’ mission is to become a company that is preferred by qualified employees in the field of construction.
The vision of human resources:
It is to preserve employee satisfaction, which is the biggest influence on the continuous success of the company, by creating a working environment that provides encouragement and pride; to gain and preserve the status of being the most demanded company in the field of construction by ensuring that the qualifications, knowledge and skills of the high-graded employees of our customer-centered, responsible, goal-oriented company are improved and the potentials are uncovered; and by enabling that they give an outstanding performance continuously.